A remarkably good concert. Graduating seniors honored. Great professionalism in such young musicians in both the String Ensemble and the LSYO.
An evening worth more than words can say. Champion role modelling, mentoring, lifelong learning, new discoveries, and a great deal of inspiration – a truly harmonious event!
Played with confidence and flair, these pieces really were larger-than-life and inspirational. The audience wanted more, which I believe is the point of the Education program.
Dedicated to Clark Johnson, the LSO 2022/23 season opening concert, ARTISTRY, is “Grand” with wonderful unadvertised additions to the concert program and a guest artist encore!
Sounds of Home concert brings LSO back home to Callaway Auditorium with tremendous applause!
Throughout this Symphonic Legacy concert, there was a sense of connection between audience and musician. Technically, this was a high-ranking performance and was brilliantly combined with personal insight, and an easy-going atmosphere. Loved it.
The Reflection & Perfection concert on Tuesday night, was the LSO’s first public live performance in over a year. It was a total delight to experience. The LaGrange Symphony Orchestra went the extra mile to provide a wonderful evening of music in a safe way. Music in the Sanctuary, is a fall 2021 concert series held …
The first concert of the “Music in the Sanctuary” fall 2021 series is actually a virtual audio/visual concert. Entitled, Celebration & Surprise, this first concert back from the COVID-19 lockdown was decided to be best attended virtually…