On Sale Now
Concert Tickets are on sale for next Tuesday’s LIVE LSO concert event at First United Methodist Church of LaGrange! This is the second concert, but the first LIVE concert, in the fall series “Music in the Sanctuary”. Experience the Reflection and Perfection Concert with the LaGrange Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Maestro Richard Prior. (Selections are listed below.) The date is Tuesday, October the 12th, 2021, and the time is 7:30 PM. This is a normal time for an LSO concert, but the venue is different. “Music in the Sanctuary” concerts are held at the First United Methodist Church of LaGrange (FUMC). The address for the FUMC is 401 Broad Street, LaGrange, GA. Seating is general admission with allowances for social distancing.
Single concert or three concert set
You are able to get tickets for THIS concert OR you can also purchase the three-concert SET of tickets for a significant savings. All sales are done online and tickets are electronic, so you do not need to print them out. We will have all the information when you check in Tuesday night. Please read the LSO vaccination policy for these concerts on the ticket page HERE. You can use the links in this post or you can access the ticket page via the purple TICKETS button at the top of each page of the website www.lagrangesymphony.org.
Reflection & Perfection Concert Details
7:30 PM | General Seating
First United Methodist Church of LaGrange
• Handel: Overture to Messiah
• Bach: Concerto for Oboe and Violin featuring: Lorna Wood, violin and Alexandra Shatalova Prior, oboe
• Mozart: Symphony No. 36 Linz
More about this fall series
Please check out the LaGrange Symphony Orchestra 2021-2022 season page HERE for more information on other concerts within this series. The first concert was September 28th and was released on the LSO YouTube channel. You may watch this concert for free by accessing our YouTube channel HERE. Concert dates for the upcoming live concerts with performance selections are listed on the 2021-2022 season page. “Music in the Sanctuary” will be a fresh experience and the LSO, with the FUMC, have a number of safety measures in place. Please read the LSO vaccination policy for these concerts on the ticket page HERE.