Violin lesson timeslots available!
Calling adult and youth students – violin lesson timeslots of 30 minutes or one hour are currently available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM. Sign up now before these times are filled. Email your inquiry about lessons to info@lagrangesymphony.org, and take advantage of this opportunity. Don’t delay! Instrument rental is available.
A few more details
Our teachers are highly qualified. You can read a little more about them on the String Project page of the LSO website under the heading of Music Lesson Faculty. Lessons are held in the West Side building on the campus of LaGrange College in LaGrange, GA. Parking is plentiful and easily accessed. Beginner level students as well as more advanced players are welcome, and instrument rentals are available. Whether adult or youth, learning to play an instrument is fun and rewarding. Join us for lessons!
Sign up today and further your musical ambitions! email: info@lagrangesymphony.org